On Repack, Switchback #1 (alphabetical by person, then date)


On Repack, Switchback #2 (alphabetical by person, then date)



On Repack, Switchback #3 (alphabetical by person)

On Repack, Switchback #4 (alphabetical by person)

Bottom of Repack (in order of natural race progression, regardless of date)

Repack, post-race (in order of natural progression, regardless of date)

Enduro (photos of the last leg may be found under “Repack” headings)


  • Bob Martinez December 21, 2023   Reply →

    Some great photos of the pioneers of mountain biking. Repack!!!

  • Keith October 2, 2024   Reply →

    Great photos! Thank you for including this collection in your gallery. Photos can be such a powerful inspiration for us. I believe your second to last photo of the three bikers pushing their bikes uphill appeared in an Outside or Mariah magazine in the mid to late 1970’s. A Boy Scout friend of mine whose dad worked at the post office where I grew up in Minnesota would occasionally bring home magazines that for some reason could not be delivered. He shared with me the magazine with your photo and I think an article about the crazy guys in Marin County who took their old klunker bikes out on back roads and meadows to ride up and down the hills. That image and idea really stuck with me. When I moved to Alaska my backcountry ski friends in the mid 1980’s were all pumped up to buy this new thing called a mountain bike. I was able to buy one from REI and began to live my dream of riding with my friends on all kinds of trails like your Marin County pictures showed. We rode everything that our bikes and bodies could take. Over time some of our Alaska mountain bikers even began to develop fat tire bikes to ride through out the winter. I’m so grateful that I am still able to ride my various bikes including the old REI Novara Ponderosa that I’ve restored. When I ride I still get that same feeling of freedom and adventure I got when I was younger and honest to God whenever I need to push my bike up a steep trail I see in my mind your picture of the three Marin County guys holding their handlebars and seats pushing their klunkers. For a minute I’m not the old man that I am but a younger outlaw pushing my bike up a trail that was once thought to be too steep and rough to ride down.

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