KLUNKIN patches by Tommy Breeze celebrate the origins of mountain biking in California and Colorado.
The TOGETHER patch raises awareness of the possibilities of coexistence and mutual enjoyment of the trails by everyone– hikers, bikers and equestrians.
Our own Mountain Bike Hall of Fame, Fairfax CA patch with our Ridgeline design comes in two colors, the very Fairfax “groovy” background color or traditional black with gold-tone embroidery.
WOMBATS club patches of Jacquie Phelan’s legendary WOMBATS riders. Five styles– collect ’em all!
- The professionally designed “world beat” WOMBATS badge patch by Sandy Gin.
- A “Rode Sign?” WOMBATS Next 5Km is an essential companion patch to Jacquie’s WOMBATS Club patch. Courtesy Australian Dept of Highways.
- The raspberry WOMBATS patch from Jacquie Phelan is her official club patch of the WOmen’s Mountain Bike And Tea Society.
- So Many Trails… You can ride them all with your WOMBAT patch!
- Live Long and Perspire. Spock approved.
Jacquie is 3-time Mountain Bike National Champion, and those victories are part of a long list of accomplishments including being the first woman inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. Read all about Jacquie’s amazing racing and riding career here: https://mmbhof.org/jacquie-phelan/ and an article Jacquie wrote for our newsletter, BikeMuse News: https://mmbhof.org/bmn_v1n3/wombats/.
50% of the proceeds of Wombats patches go to Jacquie and her husband, Charlie Cunningham.
BikeMuse News – Number 3 Origin Myth of the Women’s Mountain Bike & Tea Society By Jacquie Phelan June 18, 2020 All images by Jacquie Phelan unless otherwise noted ? You can click on photos to enlarge them and read more info Since my days of riding the LA suburbs on my Peugeot UO-8, […]